Sagrada Familia, the unfinished Basilica designed by Goudi is unlike any church you've ever seen before. They've been building it for about 100 years and it's nowhere near done. Goudi incorporated natural designs such as angles that occur in nature, flora and fauna. I can't possibly do it justice.
Goudi's plans were destroyed in a fire, so other architects have designed the parts that they've been constructing the last several years. Paul knows construction and could tell that they're using pre-formed concrete, then setting it in place. The Passion facade is controversial because it was designed by someone else and the style is quite different from the Nativity facade. The people all have cubic blockheads.
Notice the alpha and omega on top of the pillar between the two doors. The full text of the 4 Gospels is written on the facade. And there is a sudoku-type number square she all the rows and columns add up to 33, the number of years that Jesus lived on Earth. The text reminded me of modern quilts, which often contain fabric printed with text. The stained glass windows also have a modern design.
Inside, the columns suggest a forest of trees:
The blue windows represent the Living Water.
The clear windows represent donation opportunities for wealthy Catholics.
I think I read that the church will have four organs.
The four red pillars represent the apostles.
We rode the elevator up the Nativity tower and then walked down.
The staircase reminded me of being inside the Statue of Liberty. Not recommended for claustrophobics.
Those who are afraid of heights might not want to step out onto the views spots, especially this one that had a big crack:
I'm not sure whether people dropped these coins from a higher level, or shoved them out this window.
Despite my efforts to stop working while on this trip, what came to mind was: would those coins damage the coin sorter head?
Goudi incorporated birds and fruits and other animal and plant life. As well as the geometry found in nature
In the basement you can see the original church that Goudi built on top of.
This holy water fount is a prelude to the Camino where all pilgrims carry a shell. Sagrada Familia would frown on us taking this one.
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